Friday, November 9, 2007

Redefining The Dream - You MUST watch this!

I have always viewed Marting Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech as one of the finest examples of inspirational leadership. His dream was uplifting, his cause noble and his words profound. Yet it often seems that this dream is far from being fully realized.

This week, I had the great fortune to have received the following video from a friend. I had to share it with all of you. It is a brilliant example of what is possible when we focus on what we want. Anything is possible - including Dr. King's Dream (and yours!)

Here is the video, followed by a message from the creator of the video:


On the morning of Feb 5, 07, I woke up inspired to find Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech, and create an affirmation, inspired by its contents. So I found the speech online, and over the next 40 minutes, I released the parts that were a description of the time in which it was written, and embraced the parts that were a description of Dr. Kings dream of what America could or should be. I re-worded it until it became present tense, expanded it into a global dream, and with a reminder from Bob Proctor, (The Secret), I expressed happiness and gratitude for having already received it.

By the end I had transformed it into an affirmation of a present and potential reality.

The result is a prayer of intention that has the power to transform our World.


According to the Law Of Attraction, becoming a vibrational match to that which we desire, draws it to us. By asking for what we want, accepting it as already done, and expressing gratitude for having already received it, we become a vibrational match to anything we choose.

Forty four years ago, Dr. King had much more than a dream, and asked for what was just. Now, with the use of the 'Law Of Attraction', "ReDEFINING The DREAM" humbly takes Dr. Kings dream to the next level, by accepting it as already done, and expressing gratitude for having already received it.

How do we use the Law Of Attraction to effect change on a Global scale?
How do we keep our minds focused on the Vision, inspite of the problem?

If we take the time to contemplate what change looks like, what freedom, equality, peace, justice, perfect health, food and
shelter for all, looks like, we can begin now to write a new script, we can begin now, individually and collectively to ReDEFINE and in so doing, ReDESIGN the World we wish to live in.

It is up to us to ReDEFINE our future now.
It is up to us to ReDEFINE everything!!!!!!!



Visit the website:

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mind Movies – A Powerful Tool for Creating the Future of Your Dreams

If you have participated in personal development, you have likely become familiar with the power of goal clarity, visualization and affirmations.

As a student of many personal success mentors and coaches, I have used goal setting, visualization and affirmations to move forward in various areas of my life – most dramatically in establishing and growing my own business. As a trainer and coach, I often speak with my clients about these powerful processes for creating positive outcomes.

I was so excited when I heard about Mind Movies – a concept developed by a group from Australia who were inspired to help people manifest the lives of their dreams.

By creating my own Mind Movie, I brought life to my written goals by adding photos and inspiring music that help me visualize my future reality. The final product? A movie of my future life – and a vision that motivates me to make it a reality.

Watch my Mind Movie now

I was amazed at how easy it was – the site has training videos that lead you through the process step-by-step. In a few evenings I created and uploaded my movie.

I encourage you to create your own Mind Movie and to start making your dreams a reality today!

Go here now to learn about Mind Movies and to get started today!

Make sure to email me the link to your Mind Movie once you’ve created it. To your success!