Monday, May 19, 2008

Pass it On!!

A friend sent me this movie "Pass it On"- it's made by a group of personal development experts and is all about taking action in pursuit of your goals. Dennis Waitley and Brian Tracey are involved - two of the best in my opinion... take a look:

Here are some things I noted when I was watching it.
  1. Clearly establish your goals - most people spend more time planning a party than planning their life
  2. Take consistent action in pursuit of your goals - the most successful people take action daily to move toward their goals
  3. Be fully committed - 99% commitment is likely to result in failure
  4. Find a mentor - likeminded person who can support you along the way
  5. Speak the positive - positive words become positive things
  6. Follow your passion - be like a scientist, go to work to explore and learn
  7. Be happy - give thanks and serve others
  8. Smile - helps you feel positive and healthy and the key to managing your attitude and environment

Pass the video on to others that you feel might find it helpful!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Another Mind Movie - Attracting Optimal Health and Wellness

I have created another Mind Movie! This one is designed to attract my optimal health and wellness. I have had tremendous success with My First Mind Movie and think that including a specific visualization around optimal health and wellness will help me adopt the mindset of a healthy, whole person.

Take a look at my Health and Wellness Mind Movie here:

I encourage you to create your own

Make sure to email me the link to your Mind Movie once you’ve created it. To your success!